

File Explorer (explorer.exe) Crashes in Windows 8.1- Fix It

Reference from : http://www.registryrecycler.com/blog/2013/11/file-explorer-crashes-in-windows-8-1-fix-it/ Although, Windows 8.1 has adroitly been covering the left overs of Windows 8, it also has some enduring issues that need to be addressed. One of these issues is a frequently crashing File Explorer. Not all, but a few subscribers of this new update are experience the glitch and are in search of an appropriate solution. To discourse this issue in correct direction, we would need to know the prior causes in specific to respond accordingly. Given below in this article are some genuine reasons, why the explorer crashes promptly on being launched and their relevant workarounds. Cause and Solution 1 The first reason that we can think of, is third party handlers of cloud storage integrated with your File explorer. These have the potential to hinder an explorer work properly, as it can be assumed that third party extensions may have compatibility issues with Windows 8.1 explo...

如何將舊電腦上所造的字形, 滙入Windows 7電腦之中.

雖然Windows 7有內建造字程式(附屬應用程式之內), 但先前辛辛苦苦建立的難字, 若不想再重新痛苦一次的話, 想要匯入windows 7平台內的話, 可以按照下列步驟來進行. 1. 首先要先下載.NET Framework 1.1可轉發散之套件, 下載網址為: http://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=26 2. 再來安裝Microsoft EUDC Deployment Tool, 網址如下: http://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=16862 安裝完後, 即可在舊電腦上把已滙出的*.rtf檔, 滙入windows 7之中.

如何在AD網域中刪除已不存在的Exchange Server 物件

個人在建置VM時,多裝一台Exchange Server 2010, 之後直接刪除此VM, 造成AD網域中, 此物件仍然存在在EMC(Exchange Management Console)之中, 如下圖所示: 因此, 要將此物件從EMC中移除, 必須要AD DS內將此物件刪除. 接下來所有操作皆在DC上執行(找其中一台DC即可) 1. 登入一台網域控制站 2.在開始/執行, 輸入'adsiedit.msc'指令 啟動ADSI編輯器 3.在工具欄內點ADSI編輯器後按右鍵,選擇'連線到'項目. 4.在連線設定畫面中,在連線點的對話框中,選取熟知的命名內容, 按下拉式選單, 選擇'設定',後按確定. 如下圖所示: 5.在左側展開CN=Configuration [domain] → CN=Services → CN=Microsoft Exchange → CN=[organization] → CN=Administrative Groups → CN=Servers後, 如下圖所示: 在中間視窗框中, 將欲刪除的Exchange Server 物件按右鍵刪除, 如下圖所示 刪除之後, 回到EMC後, 可以發現, 被刪除的Exchange Server已消失不見. 如下圖所示:

Private Cloud Infrastructure Implementation- Use Synology Cloud Station Package

1. Pre-Demand     Hardware:          Smart Phone           Tablet Personal Computer          Personal Computer     Platform:          iOS or Android     Software:          Synology DS File app  2. Install     step 1. click the package center icon. see the picture 1 below. picture 1. package center     step 2. click Cloud Station icon to install. see the picture 2 below. picture 2. install cloud station package     step 3. install completed. see the picture 3 below.   picture 3. installation finished. 3. Setup     step 1. Enable Cloud Station option and advanced configuration. see the picture 4 below   picture 4. enable cloud station option.     step 2. advanced configuration. see the picture 5 below. ...

VMware Guest OS Backup : OVF Backup

OVF Definition reference to this URL . Step 1. use VMware  vSphere Client connect to your vCenter Server, see the Pic 1 below Pic 1. connect to your vCenter Server Step 2. Click File/Export/Export OVF Template, see the Pic 2 below Pic 2. ready to start. Step 3. Choose your backup files store location, see the Pic 3 below Pic 3. Backup File Store Location Step 4. Duration Backup File... see the Pic 4 below Pic 4. Duration Backup File Step 5. Completed the task. see the Pic 5 below

Introduction of vmWare TCP Port

port 80 vCenter Server requires port 80 for direct HTTP connections. Port 80 redirects requests to HTTPS port443. This is useful if you accidentally use http://server instead of https://server . port 389 This port must be open on the local and all remote instances of vCenter Server. This is the LDAP portnumber for the Directory Services for the vCenter Server group. The vCenter Server system needs tobind to port 389, even if you are not joining this vCenter Server instance to a Linked Mode group. Ifanother service is running on this port, it might be preferable to remove it or change its port to differentport. If needed, you can run the LDAP service on any port from 1025 through 65535.If this instance is serving as the Microsoft Windows Active Directory, change the port number from 389to an available port from 1025 through 65535. port 443 The default port that the vCenter Server system uses to listen for connections from the vSphere Client.To enable the vCenter Server system ...

檢查機器是否可以執行 Intel VT or AMD-V 的 Hardware Virtualization

這個程式是檢查CPU的硬體支援能力! 包括 32/64 位元, Hardware D.E.P. and Hardware Virtualization 的能力! 因為大多的半虛擬技術的主機必須是支援 64 位元, Hardware D.E.P. and Hardware Virtualization 至少支援一種甚至兩種! 程式名稱版本: SecurAble 1.0.2570.1 程式下載連結: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Info/SecurAble.shtml